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    Monica Roseberry

    "A high functioning anxious dreamer with an unexpected point of view."

    Monica Roseberry spent much of her childhood escaping into the world of entertainment. Brought up on classic movies and television, she spent countless summers alone at home studying the techniques of her favorite actors, staging and reenacting scenes from all her favorite films. She fantasized about being in the movies, but as a teen Monica struggled to find the confidence to pursue her dream. She threw her passion for art and self-expression into dance where she could fulfill those needs and “not have to speak”, but her 20+ years in the dance world was not leading to fulfillment. What she really wanted was to act, and it was a life changing moment of self-realization that led her to find her voice.


    In 2016, Monica came out as queer. She left her marriage, a safe and secure home life, and headed down a path of uncertainty. She retired from dance and went all in on the pursuit of an acting career. She began training at the Actors Studio of Orange County, and has consistently received positive feedback, encouraging her to continue. She quickly obtained representation

    and has been cast in short films, a feature film, and commercials. Through her experiences, Monica has come to realize that her true passion and source of never-ending fulfillment is self discovery. For her, there is no better way to this than through acting, where one continues to feed the other. She believes that self- realization is crucial in order to be a genuine, empathetic and ultimately effective artist; and she wholeheartedly pursues this every day.

    Dramatic Scene Selection

    Comedic Scene Selection

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    T: 714-258-6213



    2730 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite J, Santa Ana, CA, 92704

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    The Actor's Studio of Orange County is NOT affiliated with "The Actors Studio" located in New York and Los Angeles.

    © Actor's Studio of Orange County

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